Hugh Hefner is "high maintenance", says his ex-girlfriend Holly Madison.

Holly - who is now dating magician Criss Angel after splitting from 82-year-old Hugh last month - admits she is enjoying being with someone who doesn't require constant attention.

Speaking about her relationship with Criss, Holly told US TV show 'Extra': "It might be refreshing to date someone who is not high maintenance. Sorry, Hef - I love you, but you know you're high maintenance."

In a separate interview with In Touch Weekly magazine, she said: "I haven't had sex in a really long time. And that's the honest truth!"

A friend of 40-year-old Criss - who has previously been romantically linked to Britney Spears and Pamela Anderson - revealed the magician is happier than ever with 28-year-old Holly.

The friend said: "It's a real romance. I think they have fallen in love with each other already. They've said they are definitely boyfriend and girlfriend.

"We've never seen him quite like this with anybody else before. She's great for him, and the timing is perfect for them. They just fit so comfortably together. It's like it was meant to be."