Another handy dandy tip that I don't always follow....wait a day or two before posting your fake. It's amazing how many glaring errors will jump out at you after 12 hours of resting your eyes.
Another handy dandy tip that I don't always follow....wait a day or two before posting your fake. It's amazing how many glaring errors will jump out at you after 12 hours of resting your eyes.
duffbeer asked a question in the 'Hilary Duff' fake Thread
'Anyone have a good tutorial on changing / adding lipstick to an image?'
A technique I find very handy for colouring certain parts of a pic is:
Create a New Layer (above the one you want to colour) and set the Mode to 'Colour'
(any colouring you do on this layer allows the underlying detail to show-thru - if its too intense turn the Opacity down)
Original top left
This is an Excellent (very simple) trick if you want to Colour a Black & White image
making selections around the individual areas you want to colour will give you very neat edges
(also don't forget to save each selection as you make them - one for Hair, one for Body, one for Eyes and so on - you never know when you will need it again)
I have another Tip I use quite a bit, this recent pic of 'Nicola Roberts' is perfect to demonstrate
In the original body-shot picture the Model is looking slightly downwards and Nicola is looking pretty much straight on;
when you 'copy & paste' the Head-shot onto the body-shot you end-up with the Cone-Shaped Head syndrome![]()
This is my quick fix:
'copy & paste' the hair in the body-shot ... paste into a New Layer
then goto - Edit > Transform > Warp
you can Grab anywhere inside the selected area and pull it to shape - very quick, very easy![]()
A word of Warning, its very easy to get carried away with this feature and your picture will descend into a freakish mess, remember 'less is more'
Also pay close attention to the edges of the selected area (they can easily be pulled out of alignment)
you also can use the 'Filter > Liquify' Tool to get similar results (Liquify is a lot more powerful but a bit more involving)
I use this trick on most of my pics, you can even use it to reshape the face of the body-shot image so it matches the contours of the celebrity's face, makes blending the two together much easier
The Following User Says Thank You to opo For This Useful Post: reactor |
Great tips, Opo...thanks!!!
Excellent tuts opo.......but some of us will never have the skill and diligence to turn out quality fakes like yours.Originally Posted by opo
I dont think it helps if derogatory remarks are made about the not so skilled.....good luck to them.....its only through perseverance that we advance
That makes sense. From here on out I'll be sure to tag mine as fake...even though they are blatantly fake.Originally Posted by sackett
It also promotes, to my mind, a sense of community amoungst fakirs as well as those who enjoy fakes. An anonymous fake is all and well, but it's without context...but to know who did it, and in cases of collectors like myself, in what stage of their "career" they did it in, adds immeasurably to what the fakes means.Originally Posted by sheers
Whatever means means.
Personally speaking I prefer it the word fake is NOT on the fake.The logo is suffice enough............however in the case of a real subtle one or nip slip fakes I can understand......
I have seen so many good fakes that have huge logos and the word fake plastered across them and it takes from the work.
a fantastic site for resources fonts, brushes, background and general PSD's is
well worth a visit....
ha, i've benn visiting DA since 1998. as a matter of fact i've had a membership there about as long as i've been a member of this forum. i haven't shared any of my artwork there though. i've been thinking about it recently though...Originally Posted by Gazomg
Hopefully I won't sound completely ignorant but what's the best software to use? I've been looking at the latest Paint Shop Pro.
some use paint shop, others gimp but the most common by far is photoshop cs5 ...its the one I use and recommend
look for a torrent and you should be able to download it for free
gimp is free open source software. its what i recommend.
I'd recommend checking out '' for a few video tutorials (It's pretty amazing what some people can do with PhotoShop)
Photoshop for Dummies is a great place to start if you have no idea at all how to startOriginally Posted by fireboxer35