there are a few sites about that offers tutorials to their members.Obviously those looking for the teaching would have to have the time and effort and be available for the guidance.
there are a few sites about that offers tutorials to their members.Obviously those looking for the teaching would have to have the time and effort and be available for the guidance.
anyone can contact me for advice, info, or help with GIMP or Photoshop.
The Following User Says Thank You to echoes For This Useful Post: CTuesday |
My problem when it comes to faking a female celeb is the chest. Say there is a celebrity female in a bikini. I don't have a problem erasing the bottom half, it's the top that I have trouble with. BTW I recently downloaded GIMP, and that's what I'm using.
I use GIMP as my main editor and I use PhotoScape for the finishing touches, together they are awesome! I'll post a new topic and show exactly how I use them both.![]()
The Following User Says Thank You to Sweet_Daddy For This Useful Post: CTuesday |
quote i'd recommend using PNG as i do, it is lossless, which means it DOES NOT/CAN NOT throw away visual quality at all. end quote
Interesting, never thought of that....... maybe it is worth while working in png... doing the fake in photoshop etc
then keep the final result in png.. it might be a 4 meg file
but convert to jpg to post to a forum.
Maybe the real quality benefits come when you view in what was it ? Outlook express or something,
you could view a pic in actual size and scroll up and down.. forgotten what it was now,
but viewing in windows fax viewer the pic is resized to the window.
Using GIMP 2.8
1. Select the mats of similar sizes in mega pixels, color tones, hair types and focus, adjust where needed.
2. Open both photos and zoom in on faces and adjust tilt, tones and highlights as needed.
3. Select the Clone Tool and choose a point of reference from the HS photo ie; Eye, Nose, Bottom of chin, etc.
4. Start cloning HS onto the BS photo in small circle at only 50-60% of Opacity at a time.
5. Increase the Opacity to 60-70% and clone again but only, the facial features ie; Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Cheeks, Ears and Hair if needed.
6. Increase the Opacity to 80-90% and do it again but only clone into the areas needed.
7. Reduce the size of the faked photo by 20-30% then Increase the size back to where it was...(This will equalize the pixels)
8. Save your fake then open it in PhotoScape.
Using PhotoScape
1. Auto Level, Auto Contrast and Filter (Smart Blur 1.5%)
2. Sharpen to 20-30% More if needed.
3. Add your logo and 10% of Noise and you're done!
Last edited by Sweet_Daddy; May 5th, 2012 at 05:40 PM.
The Following User Says Thank You to Sweet_Daddy For This Useful Post: Dantithesis |
This is because boobs are protruding and the bottoms are flat so you have to clone breasts that are the same size, shape and most importantly the angle of the celeb's...Good luck!![]()
iS photoscape free ?
The Following User Says Thank You to echoes For This Useful Post: Dantithesis |
i ve got that white rabbit version of photoshop, which I think is free on the net.
I use it to do the lasoo type work, but when I want to clone colours and areas,
I find it goes haywire after a while and starts cloning from a wide area.
Gimp cloning on the other hand is rock solid
So I usually start with photoshop and end up finishing off with gimp.
yes ... thank heaven for gimp.... so reliablt
( and free )
For writing text on pics, recently found ...... pic monkey ......
it has some great fonts
(and free too )
The Following User Says Thank You to royalflush For This Useful Post: Dantithesis |
Sorry if this has been asked already (I searched the thread) but: I have a heck of a time matching skin tones between "subject" and "donor" images. I mostly use Photoshop and I haven't yet found a useful tutorial to help me out. Any suggestions/tips/tricks?
The Following User Says Thank You to nthmetalgirl For This Useful Post: Dantithesis |
Under image adjustments, do levels, then change the Red, Blue and Green in the dropdown(channel) sliders in the middle. You'll get the hang of what to do real quick after a few attempts. Change the RGB to change the brightness/darkness to have that match as well.
The Following User Says Thank You to debrabarone For This Useful Post: Dantithesis |
Quick Tip
Zoom out every now & then. Way out... 'til your image is 'bout the size of a playing card on yr monitor.
While yr working ya can get a bit of tunnel vision. Zoomin' out lets ya get a view of the broad strokes such as scale, lighting, & colour matching. Obviously this tip won't fix anythin', but it helps spot areas of concern that can easily be missed.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to FakeMaster For This Useful Post:: bastardface, Dantithesis |