Glamour model Danielle Lloyd has released a picture of her beaten-up face in a stand against domestic violence.
My Ex-Boyfriend 'Battered Me' The former Miss Great Britain, 25, took the image on her mobile phone after being beaten by an ex-boyfriend.

Lloyd is seen with a black eye, broken cheekbone and a fat lip following the attack.

The photo will be shown during a documentary called Dangerous Love - A Comic Relief Special.

She hopes the move will help prevent other girls becoming victims of abuse.

Lloyd had to spend a week in hospital after she was beaten by the ex-boyfriend, who has not been named.

The incident happened before she earned fame as the winner of Miss Great Britain and became a tabloid favourite.

She made the decision to speak out against domestic abuse after a photo of R&B singer Rihanna's bruised face was leaked after a row with her rapper boyfriend Chris Brown.

Brown has since said sorry and the pair are still together.