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Thread: Husband Store

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    Husband Store

    Subject: Husband Store

    A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City , where a
    woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance
    is a description of how the store operates:

    You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value
    of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper
    may choose any item from a particular
    floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back
    down except to exit the building!

    So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first
    floor the sign on the door reads:
    Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs.

    She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign

    Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

    'That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.'

    So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:

    Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good

    'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

    She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:

    Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and
    Help With Housework.

    'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!'

    Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:

    Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help
    with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

    She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the
    sign reads:

    Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on
    this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible
    to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband


    To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store
    just across the street.

    The first floor has wives that love sex.

    The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and like beer.

    The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    Before I lay me down to sleep,

    I pray for a man who's not a creep,

    One who's handsome, smart and strong.

    One who loves to listen long,

    One who thinks before he speaks,

    One who'll call, not wait for weeks.

    I pray he's rich and self-employed,

    And when I spend, won't be annoyed.

    Pull out my chair and hold my hand.

    Massage my feet and help me stand.

    Oh send a king to make me queen.

    A man who loves to cook and clean.

    I pray this man will love no other.

    And relish visits with my mother.


    I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with

    big tits who owns a bar on a golf course,

    and loves to send me fishing and drinking. This

    doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit.

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

    As we mature, our ideas change slightly:

    Original List:
    1. Handsome
    2. Charming
    3. Financially successful
    4. A caring listener
    5. Witty
    6. In good shape
    7. Dresses with style
    8. Appreciates finer things
    9. Full of thoughtful surprises
    10. An imaginative, romantic lover

    What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 32)
    1. Nice looking
    2. Opens car doors, holds chairs
    3.. Has enough money for a nice dinner
    4. Listens more than talks
    5. Laughs at my jokes
    6. Carries bags of groceries with ease
    7. Owns at least one tie
    8. Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
    9. Remembers birthdays and anniversaries
    10.. Seeks romance at least once a week

    What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 42)
    1. Not too ugly
    2. Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car
    3. Works steady - splurges on dinner out occasionally
    4. Nods head when I'm talking
    5. Usually remembers punch lines of jokes
    6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
    7. Wears a shirt that covers his stomach
    8. Knows not to buy champagne with screw-top lids
    9. Remembers to put the toilet seat down
    10. Shaves most weekends

    What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 52)
    1. Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed
    2. Doesn't belch or scratch in public
    3. Doesn't borrow money too often
    4. Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting
    5. Doesn't re-tell the same joke too many times
    6. Is in good enough shape to get off the couch on weekends
    7. Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
    8. Appreciates a good TV dinner
    9. Remembers your name on occasion
    10. Shaves some weekends

    What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 62)
    1. Doesn't scare small children
    2. Remembers where bathroom is
    3. Doesn't require much money for upkeep
    4. Only snores lightly when asleep
    5. Remembers why he's laughing
    6. Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
    7. Usually wears some clothes
    8. Likes soft foods
    9. Remembers where he left his teeth
    10. Remembers that it's the weekend

    What I Want in a Man, Revised List (age 72)
    1. Breathing.
    2. Doesn't miss the toilet.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to butler bill For This Useful Post:: DAWEAL, spike70, Turtle
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    Re: Husband Store

    And Then:
    Earl and Bubba are quietly sitting in a boat fishing,
    chewing tobacco and drinking beer when suddenly
    Bubba says, "Think I'm gonna divorce the wife - she
    ain't spoke to me in over 2 months."

    Earl spits overboard, takes a long, slow sip of beer and says, "Better think it over.............women like that are hard to find."

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    Re: Husband Store

    Two guys one old one young
    Are pushing their carts around Wal-Mart
    When they collide.
    The old guy says to the young guy,
    'Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife,
    And I guess I wasn't paying attention
    To where I was going.
    The young guy says, 'That's OK, it's a coincidence.
    I'm looking for my wife, too...'
    I can't find her and I'm getting a little desperate'
    The old guy says, 'Well,
    Maybe I can help you find her..
    What does she look like?'
    ' The young guy says,
    'Well, she is 27 yrs old, tall,
    With red hair,
    Blue eyes, is buxom wearing no bra,
    Long legs,
    And is wearing short shorts.
    What does your wife look like?'
    To which the first old guy says, 'Doesn't matter,
    --- let's look for yours.'

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to butler bill For This Useful Post: spike70
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    Re: Husband Store

    A man wanted to get married. He was having trouble choosing among three likely candidates. He gives each woman a present of $5,000 and watches to see what they do with the money.

    The first does a total makeover. She goes to a fancy beauty salon, gets her hair done, new makeup; buys several new outfits and dresses up very nicely for the man. She tells him that she has done this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much.

    The man was impressed.

    The second goes shopping to buy the man gifts. She gets him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. As she presents these gifts, she tells him that she has spent all the money on him because she loves him so much..

    Again, the man is impressed.

    The third invests the money in the stock market She earns several times the $5,000. She gives him back his $5,000 and reinvests the remainder in a joint account. She tells him that she wants to save for their future because she loves him so much.

    Obviously, the man was impressed.

    The man thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the money he'd given her.

    Then he married the one with the biggest boobs.

    Men are like that, you know.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to butler bill For This Useful Post: spike70
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    Re: Husband Store

    A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of
    the dealership.
    Taking off down the road, he pushed it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind
    blowing through what little hair he had left.
    "Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-75, pushing the pedal even more.
    Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw the state trooper behind him,
    blue lights flashing and siren blaring.
    He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120.
    Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this," and pulled
    over to await the trooper's arrival.
    Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette,
    looked at his watch and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes.
    Today is Friday.
    If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never heard before,
    I'll let you go."
    The old gentleman paused. Then said, "Three years ago, my wife ran off
    with a Florida State Trooper.
    I thought you were bringing her back."

    "Have a good day, Sir," replied the trooper.


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