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Thread: MMA & Wrestling News/Current Events

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    MMA & Wrestling News/Current Events

    i discussed this idea with gardwin and we thought it might be an interesting idea to create a thread for mma & wrestling news/current events. there are at least a few of us on this forum, so we will see how it goes....


    maybe this is a good time to make our introductions. i'm 22 and i've been a wrestling fan for about 17 years. holy shit, thats almost 20 years! i never realized that till now... lol. anyway, i used to be an original ecw fan and imo it died a fast death with its current incarnation. i also can't stand most of smackdown. (goddamn i hate michael cole, i like how jbl makes fun of him all the time tho ). so for the first time ever since watching wrestling, i only watch raw. i'm not really into tna, too much like the current ecw imo, in that its too small and seems to not have direction.

    cuz of that stuff, i've gotten more into mma in the last 2 years. i'm hooked now, its a million times more interesting & entertaining than boxing imo. i mostly watch the ufc but i will watch whatever i might find on tv. (i.e. pride & IFL).

    anyone else surprised by ufc buying pride recently? took me totally by surprise. i can't wait for liddell/rampage 2 at ufc 71 too!

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    WWE Raw TV report
    by Justin Shapiro

    Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, you've seen that seeing is etc etc. Todd Martin was sent home, so I'm going to fill in for him.

    Date: 4/30/07 from Nashville, Tenn.

    "More than at any point in several years, the company seems more in a 'wrestling' mindset. If history is any indication, I'd say enjoy it while you can because wrestling is always changing."
    - David A. Meltzer of the San Jose, Calif.-based Wrestling Observer Newsletter

    The Big News: The Great Khali laid out Shawn Michaels, Edge, Randy Orton, and John Cena, setting him up as the apparent next title challenger.

    Other News, Concerning Men Of Normal Size: Ken Kennedy announced he would be using his Money in the Bank title shot at Wrestlemania 24.

    Turns: Carlito turned on Ric Flair. It probably could've gone better for him.

    Match Results: Edge beat Randy Orton; Jeff Hardy beat Johnny Nitro; Ric Flair & Carlito stopped wrestling World's Greatest Tag Team; Candice Michelle & Mickie James beat Victoria & Melina

    Cold open with John Cena running into the do-rag'd Mr. McMahon, each with a belt ashoulder. Vince: "Wassup homes? Peace out! The champ is here." Last night, he "served" Bobby Lashley, and the new ECW champion is Vincent Kennedy McMahon, the king of extreme. Cena calls him a stooge in a do-rag, which seems to wound Vince, who mentions something about "his bruthas Cryme Tyme." Shawn Michaels shows up and double-takes Vince. He tells Cena that John keeps lucking out and he wants another title shot, tonight. They agree, which Vince of course kiboshes because heel authority matchmakers hate matches. He books Michaels/Cena in a non-title, and if Shawn wins he gets his title shot. "Peace out, my brothers." Well, white people hilariously talking like black people is probably my #1 comedy pet peeve, but this gets a pass because it's Vince. And he managed to not use the n-word this time, so clearly this is the classier WWE Mick Foley was talking about.

    EDGE (w/o Randy Orton) vs. RANDY ORTON (w/o Edge)

    This is the make-up from last week's match being bumped. Edge heels on Orton, running away from him. Then Orton heels on Edge, thumbing him in the eye. He delivers the Orton Stomp Legend Kicker, then shoulderblocks Edge off the apron, knocking him into the railing.


    Back, and they recreate the spot from their 2004 matches where Orton is on the apron and Edge spears him in the back, sending him flying. This time Orton lands on and in fact bounces over the announcers' table. Yowza. "Randy" chants as Edge gets the heat. They trade nearfalls off their signature spots and Edge removes the turnbuckle pad. Orton with punches in the corner, but Edge drops him on the 'buckle and Orton comes up bleeding (seemingly for realzies). Crowd very much into Randy Orton as a babyface, which meant bad things for both the crowd and Orton last time around.

    Each guy tries for a rollup and each gets caught with his feet on the ropes. Edge blocks the RKO and hits the Impaler, 1 2 no! Orton leapfrogs the spear and Edge hits the corner. Orton goes for the RKO, but gets shoved off. He stops himself from running into the exposed turnbuckle, but turns around into a spear. 123. Splendid match, as these two always work well together, and Edge is apparently a great enough heel that he can make people love Randy Orton.

    60 minutes, 15 seconds is the official time of last week's Cena/Michaels match in Pontiac Silverdome years. Replay of the finish. I can't wait until this match happens again tonight and if anything should cause it to not take place, why, I'ma be so sad.


    Todd Grisham interviews Santino Marella at ... somewhere comfortable. Perhaps Todd's apartment. Santino, eh, he only speaka somea da English. He canna believe he's ahere! He canna believe it happen. He givesa thanks to "Roberto Lashley." His father, he was crying. His mother, she aso scared. His brothers and sisters, they stay up all night and drink wine. What about el hijo del Santino? Next aweek, his afirst title defense.


    This Exclusive interview is no longer so exclusive. Rob Van Dam reacts to Vince's title win. He says Vince tried to erase extreme memories and replace them with his vision, and that this is truly a day of loss for the spirit of the original ECW. I dunno, weren't the last two ECW title changes also rather against the spirit of the original ECW?

    Backstage, Shane asks Vince if he can hold the belt. Vince says maybe later. RVD has "gotten his craw." He wants Shane to oversee Umaga destroying Van Dam. Shane says he's already spoken with Umaga and he's on board. I'm sure that was some conversation. Vince thanks Shane for helping him last night. Shane puts him arm around Vince. "I love you, Dad." HUG! Vince is touched, which is to say literally touched by a family member and therefore ill at ease. Ultimately, he lets Shane hold the belt.

    Maria introduces The Edge in her SMOKER'S VOICE. I seen the pictures. Edge calls her a bimbo. He is angry because he didn't lose at Backlash. Tonight he intends to force himself back into the championship picture.


    Last night, the Hardy Adults successfully retained against the Cow Boyz.

    JEFF HARDY (w/o Matt) vs. JOHNNY NITRO (w/o Melina) (w/o Mercury) (w/o Mick Foley program)

    Finally, the match I've been waiting for. Cade and Murdoch join us on commentary, espousing sportsmanship and wanting to earn a rematch. Cade calls Jeff Hardy "QUICKER THAN A RASCAL." Cade: "We had an awful time keeping him down last night." Murdoch: "An awful time." Jeff backdrops Nitro off the top rope and hits the Swanton, 123. The C.M. punks stand and applaud his victory. Cade takes the mic and announces Jeff as the winner. They want to shake his hand, but he's wary and won't do it.


    Recap of Lashley vs. McMaga and Vince's celebratory celebration.

    Shane McMahon comes out and introduces Umaga. "Here Comes The Money" is very thematically similar to Trump's entrance music. I can't believe it's been fifteen years since Nineteen Naughty-Two, or whatever year in the early Naughties that that dropped.


    UMAGA (w/o Armando) vs. ROB VAN DAM (w/o Alfonso)

    Estrada is still missing after Lashley gave him the heave-ho, in a very rare bit of long-term selling. I hope Shane is out here to resume his scrapped 2001 program with RVD over who is the most exciting athlete in the Alliance. Umaga dominates until Rob gets a sleeper of hope. They work the sleeper forever until Umaga dumps him over the top. He follows to the floor, where Rob re-applies the sleeper. But Umaga won't Go 2 Sleep and instead rolls forward, slamming Rob into the steps. Van Dam beats the countout, avoids an avalanche, and makes a comeback. He knocks Umaga down with a Rider kick, hits the Rolling Thunder, kick out at 1. Five Star Frog Splash hits(?), but upon landing, Umaga grabs him by the throat, stands him up, and hits the Samoan Spike. 123. Well. I'm not sure I understand the physics behind that. I guess Rob didn't get ... full extension!!! But that was decent. Vince comes out afterwards to pose with the belt.


    For fuck's sake, Cowboy Troy is here.

    Backstage, Ric Flair makes coffee. Coffee is instant, and so is Ric Flair. Carlito and Torrie come over, and Carlito apologizes for last week. He says he got them a match against Haas and Benjamin so he can prove to Ric that he's a winner. Torrie asks Carlito if this is a good idea. Carlito says he knows what he's doing. Keep that in mind.

    SHAWN MICHAELS (w/o Shawn Michaels) vs.

    Hold the telephone, we cut to the back and find Shawn unconscious backstage. With the telltale sign of Rated RKO dirty work -- ear bleeding.


    We're back with assorted medical professionals as well as Val "you know something, ladies, the Big Valbowski is a lot like an Oral Surgeon, blah blah blah" Venis, attending to HBK. Coach accuses Cena of doing this, and Cena shoves him up against the wall. Vince wants to know what happened, and Coach says he's on the case.


    Sign: Condemned To Home Video. Haha. Heat on Carlito, "We Want Flair" chants. Shelton and Carlito mistime a toss in the air dropkick spot. Tag to Flair, crowd very much approves. He runs wild, but Carlito clotheslines him, crowd very much disapproves. Torrie is appalled. Flair rakes his eyes and Carlito has snapped gives up and walks away. Flair jumps him on the ramp and they brawl. Carlito keeps trying to leave and Flair keeps going after him. Well then. For a guy who said he knew what he was doing, Carlito didn't really think that out too well. He'd have been better off turning on Chloe, but she'd probably make her own comeback too.

    Backstage, Coach finds Edge laid out. Oops, there goes his #1 suspect. But what does this new evidence suggest ... ah. Ah ha. Coach, having seen the thousands of procedurals that air on this network, knows that he needs one more wrongly accused before the hour's up. Find him RANDY ORTON.


    A look at The Condemned. Haha, "Scott Wiper."

    Mr. Kennedy is out, what in tarnation. This isn't Friday Night Smackdown on The CW Network and I'm not Steve Khan and it's not almost time for Real Time with Bill Maher. Kennedy denies responsibility for the attacks via O.J. Simpson references. This isn't Nineteen Naughty Four and I'm not Judge Lance Ito. Kennedy thinks that the way Edge used his Money in the Bank title shot was untoward, so he's going to be up front about it: he'll be cashing in at Wrestlemania 24. Start the countdown, roll the WM Recalls with Shawn on the zipline and Andre choking the guy from Mr. Belvadere.

    Backstage, Coach finds Kenny Dykstra, in gigantic shorts, tending to Orton. Oh shit, Great Khali did it. Oh shit, how can I prove that I guessed that ahead of time? Oh shit, I can't. Seriously, though, you guys. I Khal'd it.


    Vince tells Coach that he's cracked the case. Apparently via ... guessing. He tells him to send Cena to the ring to find out what's up. Vince should've worn a Sherlock Holmes hat instead of the 'rag.

    Fruity Delicious Delicious Fruity Fruity Fruity Skittles.


    Seeing Victoria and Candice attempt to synch in with the Melina and Mickie entrances, respectively, was amusing. Of all the models hired in '04-05, I would not have banked on Candice turning into the best worker. Melina and Victoria go for a double suplex on Candice, but Mickie kicks Melina to break it up and Candice small packages Victoria, 123. How come they can't have a Jack Doane and a Ken Doane, but there's allowed to be a Candice Michelle and a Michelle McCool? And shame on them for hiding her full name, Michelle McCool-Alexander, and sabotaging my awesome joke about how I'm totally getting into MMA, if you know what I'm saying.


    More reactions from the ECW Originals after Vince's win last night. Sandman says the thought of it makes him want to puke and that Vince urinated on all of professional wrestling. Tommy Dreamer says he broke his neck, broke his back, met his wife, had his kids because of ECW. Now he doesn't know what the hell he believes in anymore. Sabu says "...!" and throws a ladder against the wall.

    Cena is out and he wants answers. Well I want a forensics show with Coach and the New Breed solving crimes and Paul Bearer as the coroner. Anyway, whoever want some is told to come get some.





    The Great Khali want some. Aw heck.

    Cena, demonstrating more guts than brains (interestingly, this also occurred in a case on Coach's show), goes right after Khali in the aisle, but that doesn't go so well. Khali throws him back in the ring and tosses him around. Khali goes for the chop, which Cena blocks and then lifts him up in the FU in a great spot, but Khali elbows out and chokeslams him. He puts a foot on Cena's chest and poses with the belt.
    *All credit to Wrestling Observer*

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    WWE ECW TV report
    by Michael Humphreys

    **ECW on Sci-Fi Report for May 1, 2007**

    Match Results:
    CM Punk d. Kevin Thorn (GTS)
    The Major Brothers d. Matt Striker and Marcus Cor Von
    Four-Way Dance: Rob Van Dam d. The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, and Sabu (Five Star Frog Splash)

    The EXTREME News: Bobby Lashley received marching orders from Armando Estrada that he wasn’t to touch Vince, Shane, or Umaga. The CM Punk/New Breed angle continues as Kevin Thorn and Ariel leave the New Breed. In the main event, Rob Van Dam picks up the victory, and he’ll face-off against Mr. McMahon for the title in next week’s main event (I assume).

    The EXTREME Recap: The road owns me. Yes, I freely admit that I stole that one from Bryan Alvarez, but it does. For example, I left my house in Hamilton, AL at 7:00 P.M. Friday night, drove to Chicago for the ROH show, got back in the car, and got home in enough time on Sunday afternoon to get pictures taken with my ten month old nephew. What does any of this have to do with ECDub’ on Sci-Fi? Absolutely nothing, but I’m still feeling really grouchy and irritated after all that driving with hardly any sleep and here it is Tuesday, and I still haven’t recovered. Plus, Vince McMahon is the new ECW World Champion, and that one is really driving me over the edge. Anyway, enough about me, let’s get on with the recap.

    We’re live from Birmingham, AL, which is only 100 miles from where I live, but I’ve sworn off going to WWE shows after going to Wrestlemania. I figure I’ve hit my penultimate peak as a WWE fan, and there’s no point in paying to go to shows anymore. Anyway, the show starts off with a video package showing the events of Backlash on Sunday with Mr. McMahon winning the “championship belt”. I have expressed my opinions on that one already so let’s move on.

    Here comes Bobby Lashley to the ring and even with a messed up rotator cuff, he’s still able to pull off the Brock Lesnar jump to the ring apron. Oh no, he’s cutting a promo. This has the potential to be bad. He needs a mouthpiece or manager or something…or he could just not talk. Regardless, he wants a rematch right there. Instead, Armando Estrada hits the ring in a wheel chair, and it is awesome. He’s cutting a promo on Lashley from ringside in a wheel chair. This is great. He proceeds to blame Bobby for a lot of things. Maybe he should also blame him for the fact that the Great Khali is going after the WWE title now. Estrada should become the General Manager of ECW. He would be great in that role. Anyway, the gist of the promo was that Lashley can’t touch Umaga, Shane McMahon, or Vince unless provoked. I bet he beats the hell out of Estrada…and I was right.

    The BJCC is such a small building. It even looks small on television. I used to go watch plays there as a small child, and by small child, I mean the ages of 8-11. It was all part of my “gifted” class curriculum. Apparently, I was a smart child. My favorite play was “To Kill a Mockingbird”. Oh look, its time for a commercial break. I’m going to get a Diet Coke.

    We’re back, and Burke has the troops gathered in the back. He wants an apology from CM Punk. Speaking of Punk, here he comes to the ring. I saw him at the ROH show this weekend with Maria. Hornswoggle was there too. I threw streamers toward the ring that had “Happy Birthday” written on them.

    The New Breed is out to confront Punk. Burke says this “thing” has been building for weeks now. I’m not sure what this “thing” is. Regardless, Burke says that Punk is going to fight Thorn. I saw this match at an ECW house show back when they did those. It was entertaining. The highlight of that match was someone screaming out, “The power of Christ compels you.” Punk threw up a cross hand sign toward Thorn, and he sold it all like Kawada had just hit him with a Ganso Bomb. They did not do that in this match. I’ve just noticed that Kevin Thorn is really pale, and CM Punk is not.

    CM Punk picks up the victory with quite possibly the best looking GTS yet. The one on Burke last week was downright awful, but this one was great. I think a lot of it had to with Thorn’s selling. Anyway, this was a really short match, and it was just there to progress the storyline with the New Breed and Punk. That’s okay with me.

    I like the videos of the ECW Originals showing their complete disdain for McMahon’s ECW title win. I feel their pain. I also have complete disdain for Extreme Expose, so it makes sense that they’re coming up right after this…commercial break. It’s time to take my vitamins and eat a protein bar.

    God, I hate Extreme Expose. Yes, they are hot, but I do not watch my ECW for hot women. I watch it to see hardcore, no-DQ matches. What purpose do they serve? Why are they on my TV every week? If anyone has a good answer, please tell me, and I’ll print it next week. They just freaking sprayed each other down with whipped cream. I hate my life. On the bright side of things, they cut to the back and there continues to be dissension among the ranks of the New Breed as Kevin Thorn quits. Does that mean Ariel quits as well? I’m confused.

    The Sandman just said the words “professional wrestling”. Can he say that? Tommy Dreamer’s video was the best one of all. Anyway, time for another commercial break.

    Snitsky gets another video package as we come back in from break. He is an ugly, nasty looking person. Oh hooray, Matt Striker and Count Marquis Cor Von are in the ring. They’re facing off against the debuting Major Brothers. I’ve never seen the Major Brothers before. I know they’ve been working house shows and dark matches. They both look the same. I bet one of them gets hit with THE POUNCE…period. I don’t like this match. I just feel like the Major Brothers are getting in too much offense…and they won. I’m guessing this was done for storyline purposes also. Preach, Elijah, preach on. Burke is pissed at the Teacher, and I am too, but that’s just because he’s on my TV. Can anyone point me in the direction of any Matt Striker footage before he joined the WWE? I’m always curious what guys were like before they got there. Anyway, after the break, Mr. McMahon confronts the ECW Originals. This should be great.

    They just showed a preview for Raw next Monday. The following question was asked – “Will the Great Kahli be the next WWE champion?” God, I hope not. Granted, he is entertaining in a sick, perverse sort of way, but I do not need him in main segments on that show, and I do not need him and John Cena wrestling in a prolonged match on live television.

    I hate that Mr. McMahon is the ECW Champion, but he is still great to watch. He struts to the ring wearing a nice suit and a black bandana, as if he was Hollywood Hogan or something. He says that he’ll defend his belt against Lashley when and where he chooses. I bet it happens at Judgment Day, which is in St. Louis at the Keil Saavis Center Auditorium. Vince is calling out the ECW Originals. He is inviting them to come to “his” ring. A Paul Heyman promo would be really awesome right now, but sadly, we won’t get it. Do you think Vince gets off on all this ECW stuff? Sandman sort of just flipped off Vince. Dreamer is a great promo. He goes off on Vince for all sorts of various things and deep down inside, you know he really means it. Vince just set up a match between the four ECW Originals – a 4-way Dance, Extreme Rules. The winner meets Vince next week for the belt. All sorts of junk is being brought to the ring. Commercial break.

    Daughtry’s song “There and Back Again” was used as the official theme song for Backlash. That’s an awesome song. I’m using it as my theme music that I come out to at the beginning of the independent group that I ring announce for. It does the job of getting the crowd pumped. We’ve got Buff Bagwell coming in May 18th. If you’re in the Tupelo, MS area, come to the show and pay us money to pay him. I don’t really care much, but it’s my job to put him over as the second coming. I guess pro wrestling is all about perpetuating a fantasy, and the ring announcer has to do his part too.

    We’re back from break, and the match hasn’t started yet. They’re just standing around until they each start just rolling each other up. Weapons have entered into the match now as Sabu and RVD double team Dreamer. Sabu knocks RVD off the apron and all four are on the floor. My Alabama peeps are chanting “ECW! ECW! ECW!” If you haven’t realized it yet, I’m horrible at doing straight-up play-by-play. Dreamer does his dropkick into a chair onto Sandman. RVD attacks Sabu. I’m sure this match would’ve been a lot better in front of 900 hundred people in a bingo hall in Philly. Dreamer busts out a piledriver. I haven’t seen that one in a while. Dreamer just suplexed Sabu through Sandman who was on a table. RVD hits the frog splash on Sandman, and next week we get Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. McMahon for the title.
    *All credit to Wrestling Observer*

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    hey gard, how about an introduction to your wrestling & what not experience like mine above?

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    well, it looks like rvd will most likely be gone in the next month... (credit Wrestling Observer)

    To further update the situation between RVD and his contract with WWE, look for him to be taken off television around June, as his contract with the company expires in August.

    The reason why WWE is doing this is because they don’t want him to pull a “Christian Cage” and show up on TNA programming right after being on WWE television if in fact he does go to TNA.

    also, as it stands, it looks as if chris masters is getting a big push by vince and that he may end up feuding the new ic champ and end up winning the ic title eventually.

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    Didn't have SKY TV as a kid so I grew up watching WCW So I've never really had any great love for the Vince and the E'Fed. Was lucky enough to be watching Sting, Flyin' Brian Pillman, 2 Cold Scorpio, Cactus Jack and Jushin Lyger while my buddies were watching Ultimate Warrior, Demolition and the Warlord. Fell out of wrestling until 2000 when I heard about the Cactus Jack/Triple H Streetfight at the Royal Rumble, saw the debut of Tazz and I've been hooked since. Went back, absorbed everything ECW and now I watch RAW and TNA iMPACT! and thank God that Smackdown! and WWECW never appear on my tv. RoH was great until a few years ago and I've recently come to the conclusion that all RoH internet fans should be sterilised. Favourite wrestlers: Raven, Brian Pillman, Jake Roberts, Edge w/ Lita, Satoshi Kojima, Great Muta and Homicide.

    Quote Originally Posted by disturbedite
    To further update the situation between RVD and his contract with WWE, look for him to be taken off television around June, as his contract with the company expires in August.

    The reason why WWE is doing this is because they don’t want him to pull a “Christian Cage” and show up on TNA programming right after being on WWE television if in fact he does go to TNA.
    Which strengthens my belief that Vince will pin RVD this Tuesday on WWECW. If I still watched it I'd be sad...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gardwin
    thank God that Smackdown! and WWECW never appear on my tv.
    lol. its true, its true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gardwin
    Which strengthens my belief that Vince will pin RVD this Tuesday on WWECW. If I still watched it I'd be sad...

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    well mr.kennedy is no longer mr. money in the bank. edge put up a challenge for the contract in which kennedy accepted. of course after one quick spear, edge won. edge is once again mr. money in the bank.

    the real reason for this is cuz kennedy is injured and will be getting surgery which will have him out of commission for at least anywhere from 5 to 7 months.

    i too can't believe that i'm still watching but it's mainly cuz theres nothing much on on monday nights except for heroes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by demonicus69
    well mr.kennedy is no longer mr. money in the bank. edge put up a challenge for the contract in which kennedy accepted. of course after one quick spear, edge won. edge is once again mr. money in the bank.

    the real reason for this is cuz kennedy is injured and will be getting surgery which will have him out of commission for at least anywhere from 5 to 7 months.

    i too can't believe that i'm still watching but it's mainly cuz theres nothing much on on monday nights except for heroes.
    Ken Kennedy injured. 'Taker injured. Smackdown! fucked. 'Nuff said. Oh well, at least they've still got Batista... Hopefully Edge will go to Smackdown! and steal the World Title with the MITB

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    Quote Originally Posted by demonicus69
    the real reason for this is cuz kennedy is injured and will be getting surgery which will have him out of commission for at least anywhere from 5 to 7 months.
    yeah, he had a clean tear of the tricep off the bone. (basically the same injury batista had a while back). just like taker's tear of the bicep off the bone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gardwin
    Ken Kennedy injured. 'Taker injured. Smackdown! fucked. 'Nuff said. Oh well, at least they've still got Batista...
    assuming he doesn't tear another muscle lol! (oh that was mean...)

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    well since it was announced on ECW and it's all over the internet now, Edge has used his money in the bank clause and defeated the undertaker at smackdown for the title. there was already a match between taker and batista in which taker won. but soon after edge came out and put up his money in the bank. he went on to beat taker and took the title. edge is now the new champ. at first i couldn't believe that they announced it on ECW as to what happened at smackdown instead of waiting until friday. but i think the wwe knew that it wasn't going to stay a secret since it would have been all over the internet. that and ecw is taped right after smackdown. well it seems that edge might now be over at smackdown unless he'll be jumping back and forth between all brands. but with these guys all injured this might lead for other superstars to get pushes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by demonicus69
    there was already a match between taker and batista in which taker won.
    that says a lot about creative's priorities. batista obviously isn't one of the top two (at least) right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by demonicus69
    well it seems that edge might now be over at smackdown unless he'll be jumping back and forth between all brands. but with these guys all injured this might lead for other superstars to get pushes.
    yes, very likely i think. there was news about a month ago that vince wanted pretty much everything "inter-brand". it was to try to bring more attention & support to smackdown & ecw.

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    Quote Originally Posted by disturbedite
    Quote Originally Posted by demonicus69
    there was already a match between taker and batista in which taker won.
    that says a lot about creative's priorities. batista obviously isn't one of the top two (at least) right now.
    Taker didn't "win" as such. It was a double escape from the cage but Taker retained because it was ruled a draw, again! Just like the Last Man Standing Match. They're playing up that Batistia is everybit the Undertaker's equal which he's gonna need to be now they've lost the Deadman longterm. With Rey Rey out until July, Taker and Kennedy both out injured and Lashley moved to WWECW, Batista has to carry the Smackdown! brand. It's also official that Edge has jumped shows.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gardwin
    Taker didn't "win" as such. It was a double escape from the cage but Taker retained because it was ruled a draw, again! Just like the Last Man Standing Match. They're playing up that Batistia is everybit the Undertaker's equal which he's gonna need to be now they've lost the Deadman longterm. With Rey Rey out until July, Taker and Kennedy both out injured and Lashley moved to WWECW, Batista has to carry the Smackdown! brand. It's also official that Edge has jumped shows.
    ah, i see. i didn't actually watch it, and i don't read the results of smackdown or ecw, so i was just going of what demonicus wrote.

    just a note on lashley, he is injured as well. he has had & has been working through a shoulder injury. i think he was scheduled to take some time off after dropping the title (i didn't wanna remind myself ) but those plans may have changed cuz of all the other more serious (presumably) injuries with the other top stars.

    i think it should ease things up a bit when rey & triple h get back around july-august...

  16. #15
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    more news from smackdown. a new tag team will be showing up called the hillbillies. they could be using the godwinn's old gimick. the team is made up of ray gordy and drew hankinson. drew was the guy who portrayed the fake kane some time ago. remember him?

    also on kennedy. it seems that with his latest MRI, kennedy will not have to undergo surgery since they concluded that kennedy's triceps tendon was not torn from the bone. his doctor has said he will be out for about 6 to 8 weeks. also lashley doctor's has said that lashley will not have to undergo surgery, they thought that he had seriously damaged his shoulder but now he's ok to keep up showing up on tv.

    i also can't believe that ozzy osbourne will be performing at smackdown this friday.

    also the upcoming Saturday night's main event will be taped in london, ontario back to back with Raw. SNME will be shown on a later day.
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